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ENOUGH / Dear John: – perennial.work

ENOUGH / Dear John:

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It’s not us, it’s you. We are tired of the wild roller coaster we’re riding during your bizarre only-in-BC NDP dictatorship. So we’re going to tell you how we feel, and insist on being heard.

Because #WeHaveHadEnough.

Postcard campaign

Here’s our pitch: we all write short, pithy postcards to John Horgan, telling him which of the maddening things he has gotten wrong that makes you never want to vote for the NDP again. COVID•climate•colonialism•corruption Include #WeHaveHadEnough in solidarity.

Canada Post recently sent out a free-to-mail postcard to most households, and we should use them for activism. (If you didn’t receive the card, a mailed postcard plus a single stamp is a cheap, accessible way to join in.)

That’s the language he and his buddy Jagmeet speak. Will they win over the votes they need? Will they continue to fly under the radar as the establishment builds a corporatist, “small capitalist” sales pitch? Not if we speak out and lay out the things they need to fix.

Social video campaign

Once you’ve written your postcard, let’s get these messages out there. Record a video, maximum 1 minute, reading your short message out loud. Post it on Twitter with @jjhorgan tagged and #WeHaveHadEnough. Feel free to post it on TikTok and Instagram, too.

An anonymous comrade will donate $1 for each video posted to Twitter before March 15 to RAVEN Trust’s legal fight fund as they work with Indigenous leaders to stop Site C, up to $2,000. Get your networks to join in!

We’ll signal-boost the videos with @WeCraftAction, and look forward to hearing the passion we all have for a better province and a better party of the people. Everyone has their reason why they fight and demand change. Let’s express them in this format.


What address should I mail it to?

BC’s Office of the Premier is the best way to reach Horgan by mail:

PO Box 9041 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC V8W 9E1

You could also write to his constituency office if you wanted:

122–2806 Jacklin Road
Victoria, BC V9B 5A4

Do I have to write to John Horgan?

No. If there’s a local NDP MLA, MP, MPP, candidate you have more context with, go for it. If you live in BC, we recommend writing to Horgan directly, because NDP MLAs have a pattern of not being able or willing to speak back to Horgan. Similarly, in the rest of the country, it’s probably best to write to Jagmeet Singh.

Should I still record my video if I write it to someone else?

Yeah, totally. That will still count toward the $2,000 donation if you post it with #WeHaveHadEnough & @ the person you’re addressing.

So…what’s Jagmeet’s mailing address?

Glad you asked. You don’t need to put any postage on a letter to an MP like Jagmeet, so save your free-to-mail postcard for a friend.

Jagmeet Singh
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Here’s his constituency office, if you want to pay for postage:

4940 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5H 2E3